Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bryan's First Day of Kid's Day Out...

Bryan did well at his first day of Kid's Day Out at our church.  There were a few tears his teacher said, but he really enjoyed playing outside with the balls.  It was a nice day for Addison and I to have some one on one time, and we even went to the pool!  Bryan was happy to see his big brother when we picked him up and eager to be held by me.  We love each other so much!

Bryan and Mrs. M

From Ann Voskamp...

A Brief Guide to Making Today a Great Day

Every day's made a great day when we seize

whatever the moment brings.

When we cling to Grace

and just laugh when things get tospy turvsy,

when we find someone to share the ride and the adventure and the prayers,

when the beauty of our journey is our destination.




These are the moments

made into days

that ignite with His Glory.


...the whole earth is full of his glory."

~Isaiah 6:2-4
Isaiah 26:3-4 (ICB) "You, Lord, give true peace. You give peace to those who depend on you. You give peace to those who trust you. So, trust the Lord always. Trust the Lord because he is our Rock forever."
346. Giggles
347. Tired eyes...I know we have slept peacefully
348.  Care.com...great website that has led us to some awesome babysitters...now who to choose!?
349.  Diamonds...looking at my wedding rings today...so pretty!
350.  Ebay...I SO enjoy shopping and selling on there!  What a neat website creation!
351.  Craigslist...I also enjoy selling and shopping on this website...it even led me to this new job!
352.  Seminole football...the countdown begins...our first game is this coming Saturday!  GO 'NOLES!
353.  Kid's Day Out...today is Bryan's first day of "school!"  We'll see how it goes?!
354.  Flowers...I did a walk through of our flower beds with my neighbor across the street who likes to garden...she gave me some good advice...yeah!
355.  Blessings...they surround us.  Thank you God for showing your face in so many ways!

Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of Preschool...

Addison started his first day of preschool today.  We dropped him off, and he ran into his classroom all smiles.  He's a confident and carefree kid!  It was great to leave knowing he was in good hands of Mrs. C and Mrs. O.  My heart did skip a beat though when I was paying tuition and turned around for a second Bryan was gone!  A dad steered me in the right direction to "the little blonde guy."  He had gone back into Addison's classroom and was playing with the blocks!  He wanted to stay at school too with his big brother.  Addison had a great time at school...making space mush (kind of thick play dough) and making a calendar, so I'll know "which day is which day."   He was wiped.  At 4:30 p.m. this is what he looked like...


Matthew 19:14 "Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. '"

336. Little children...we have so much fun with our own, and we enjoyed teaching the 3s Sunday school class yesterday!
337.  Pool time with our whole family
338. Skype with the Cook family
339.  $11 jelly beans...yes, yesterday I spent $11 on jelly beans at the grocery store...who knew the jelly belly jelly beans were $6.99 a lb! 
340. $10 off your grocery bill...I was at the store for a $10 off deal when you buy 6 boxes of General Mill's cereal...that almost covered the jelly beans!
341.  Painting...we are staining our deck furniture and deck...fun times!  It looks awesome!
342.  Rest.  I had such a great nap yesterday and slept hard last night...thank you Daniel for taking Addison to the pool so I could nap with Bryan yesterday, and thank you Benedryl!
343.  Air condtioning...it just clicked in...I'm thankful we're not living without it.
344.  Bobby Bowden...reading a book about him right now...Pure Gold...what an interesting man!
345.  Glasses.  I noticed Bobby wears glasses on the cover of the book, and today I go for an eye doctor appointmen.  I'm thankful I can see, and glasses help me see better! :)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Seek me early. Hosea 5:15
I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you. Acts 27:22
Go in peace. Acts 16:36

I beg forgiveness for the many words with the many sins... And pray for knees that will bow lower and a face that will touch the ground in hiddenness --- for a heart that will forget itself and all its stream of words --- so it can simply drink of His. --Ann Voskamp
326.  Date nights
327.  Shoe shopping
328.  Sam's Club
329.  Margaritas
330.  Soft and sweet smelling sheets (fabric softener...ahhh)
331.  Darkness and light
332.  Old friends
333.  New friends
334.  Sitting by the pool yesterday with just Addison.  He's swimming so well I was actually able to sun and not worry; I could talk with the other moms at the pool and sit on the side.  It was fantastic, plus the weather was awesome yesterday...80s with a breeze!
335.  Grace Connectors...a program at our church that I have been a part of over the summer...12 people all ages, men and women...1 on 1 visits for 1 hour over 12 weeks.  I've met some neat people from our church family!  It really has built fellowship and got me to get out of my comfort zone.  I'm not naturally extroverted!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Calling on God...

Today Addison woke me up around 1:30 a.m.  "Mom, I had a bad dream..." We went in his room to talk about it and tuck back in.  He explained it in lengthy detail.  We turned on his lamp for extra comfort.  Still he was wide-eyed.  We went downstairs for a snack and to watch a bit of "Alvin and the Chipmunks" the movie.  His mind was taken off of it, but still he was wide eyed.  I'm reading the book, "Don't Make Me Count to Three" by Ginger Plowman.  She talks about speaking to your child's heart.  So, I decided we should read the Bible a bit, pray to God, and then maybe he'd go back to sleep.  Still no go.  I invited him to sleep on the floor next to our bed on his Mickey mat.  He did.  He's back to sleep.  We called on God, and I hope that he heard our prayer for good dreams.  I love our sons, and I'm thankful we have a God we can call on any time!

Friday, August 27, 2010


Boys will be boys...Addison said today, "mom, this is a dangerous job (lifting up his Little Tikes car, it's a boy job!"  Too funny!  The boys had just gotten back from the pool but wanted to play cars and scooters...they are both ALL boy! :)

Fabulous Friday

Grace, God's Grace...it's Amazing!

317. Early mornings
318. Parent open house for Addison's preschool went well!
319.  Open house for the kids is today!
320.  Mrs. O and Mrs. C will be Addison's teachers, and they seem perfect! 
321.  Bryan will start his first week of "school"/Kid's Day Out this week
322.  Addison will start his last year of preschool this week
323.  Daniel and I may go to the OU vs. FSU game...so excited about that possibility!
324.  Work for me will start up this fall, and I'm excited about that new beginning too...kind of like going back to school for me! :)
325.  Claudia our babysitter across the street...she's a gem!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Colossians 3:5 (NIV) "Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry."

I am often greedy in the sense that I want what I want, and I want it now...or soon at least! :)
I am working on being grateful for what I have and not focusing on what I want.  Lord, help me as I move through this world and all the entrapment.  Help me see you and the desires you have for me.

Today I am grateful for these glimmers of grace:
306.  Clean curtains...I actually washed them!
307.  A sweet cat that sits in my lap, purrs, and kisses me with her nose.
308.  Friends...we have playgroup at our house today for the neighborhood! :)
309. My family...they are sleeping sweetly
310.  My mom...with her help I was able to accomplish more than usual in a week...thanks mommy!
311.  Lauren, my niece, she sent a sweet email, and I loved that she shared her blog with me!  She is a gifted photographer, and I pray she has continued success in her college/career pursuits.
312.  Josie, Jensen, and Ashleigh...my other nieces.  Since we do not have any girls I feel privileged to be their aunt, love them, and buy cute things for them too! 
313.  Harrison, Tommy, Wyatt, Jackson, and Tyler, our nephews.  We are truly blessed to have so many boy cousins for our boys to play with, and I love them each so much...they are precious!
314.  Jackie, my sister.  Her birthday is next week, and I'm glad God matched me into a family with her back in 1982.  I was so excited then to have a sister, and I am thankful now for her long distance phone calls and the visits we still have.
 315.  Curly bear...you know who you are.
316.  Daniel...my sweet husband who tickled my back to sleep last night.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Awake on Wednesday...

Today I'm thankful for...
296.  the flowing fountain of God's grace and the ones that remind me of it in our foyer and front yard.
297.  backpacks hung on hooks.  It is back to school time!
298.  shiny wood floors.
299.  clean carpets.
300.  neighbors and new friends.  God is blessing us with babysitters!
301.  cupcake faces.  I just printed off the cutest photo of Addison with a chocolate goatee and mustache!
302.  calendars.  Those Mayans (or whoever invented them) were so my style...I need to have things written down to remember them and stay organized!
303.  packages.  It is SO fun to get things in the mail!
304.  my mom.  She flies back to FL today, but we have had a wonderful week long visit!
305.  my dad.  He is such a teddy bear!  He loves us all so much!  Hugs to Curly Bear...see you in September!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


When you are about to go into battle, the priest shall come forward and address the army.  He shall say: "Hear, O Israel, today you are going into battle against your enemies. Do not be fainthearted or afraid; do not be terrified or give way to panic before them.  For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory." Deuteronomy 20:2-4

I wanted to take time today to recognize the battle weary.  There are so many people across the world fighting battles for good (God) and evil (Satan/personal gain).  May the battle warriors feel God's strength, and may we continue to pray for our soldier of the USA who fight for our safety and freedoms.  

Monday, August 23, 2010

"But Lord..."

"But Lord," Giden asked, "how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family." Judges 6:15

The Lord answered, "I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites together." Judges 6:16

I often think "but Lord" in my head when God calls me to do things also.  I don't want to do things that I know I need to do at times, and I am a whiner..."but Lord..."  I also fee weak and alone some times.  However, God's word reassures us that HE will be with us.  He will give us strength to strike down the enemies that loom around us...the thoughts of doubt that come from Satan, and the other aspects of the enemy that permeate this world.

Praise God that he is courageous and shares his courage with us!  I'm excited to see what this new job will hold for me.  I am fearful of change, but I am excited about new beginnings.  I am hesitant about working with elderly adults, but I'm grateful for the opportunity!  I know the Lord is with me, and he will help me strike down the barriers of communication deficits and swallowing difficulties with his Spirit working through me.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I am thankful that I am...
286.  Sleeping better
287.  Spending time with my mom this week
288.  Going on a double date with my husband and our neighbors tonight
289.  The mother of two boys who are so fun to play with...we had a great day at Black Bob Bay pool!
290.  The wife of an amazing man who works so hard during the week and on the weekends.
291.  Going back to work part time...yes, I have a new job lined up two 1/2 days at a nursing home as the speech therapist.
292.  Surrounded by blessings.
293.  Able to walk to the mailbox...I realize some people wish they COULD walk.
294.  Clean...I do love showers.
295.  Looking at books on my desk...so many people in our world do not have such luxuries.

"Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me...." Psalm 43:3

Friday, August 20, 2010

Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart

276.  There is a song that we sang in youth group when I was in high school...
"Give thanks with a grateful heart,
Give thanks to the Holy One,
Give thanks because he's given Jesus Christ His Son, Give Thanks..."

277.  Philippians 4:8 "Think about the things that are good and worthy of praise. Think about the things that are true and honorable and right and pure and beautiful and respected."

278.  Girlfriends..."I thank my God every time I remember you." Phillipians 1:3
279.  Our boys' faith: "And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and dept of insight so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blamelss until the day of Chirst, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ-to the glory and praise of God." Phillipians 1:9-11
280. It was so neat to be with Addison and pray together before his shots yesterday at the doctor's office.  He took 3 shots to his biceps with tears, but he was brave in my eyes.
281.  I hope his faith in God continues to grow, and I pray he doesn't fear the doctor's office now because of shots!
282.  Bryan is loving on Granny, and his separation anxiety from me is improving.
283.  Daniel lovingly rubbed my back last night when I was exhausted, tearful, and fearful about making a decision about whether to return to work part time or not.
284.  My decision to return to work is still be discerned.  I pray for clarity of heart and peace of mind.
285.  "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." Phil. 1:21 Prayers for those we know who are fighting cancer.  It is a hard road.  They are suffering...may Christ fill them with strength in this life. 


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day One Granny M's Visit

2 Timothy 3:16

2 Timothy 3:16 (NLT) "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. 17It is God's way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do." 

This verse struck me today.  I hope God's Word continues to pluck our hearts to play beautiful songs by our lives being lived in joy!  I'm thankful God is grace filled and makes my life sweeter.

Thankful Thursday

266.  My mom is in town for a week!
267.  Our boys were on excellent behavior while we arrived one hour early to the airport.
268.  My MOPS activity box kept us entertained in the airport.
269.  Free hard candies from Massage Envy kept Addison's palate wet while we waited for a later lunch with Granny.
270.  Dinosaur Cafe/TREX at the Legends...that place is truly cool!
271.  Pool time with Granny
272.  Hamburgers on the grill...an archaic meal perhaps, but OH so good!
273.  Daniel completed his memory work and is moving forward with his 3rd degree for the Masons...he is honoring thy Fathers in a special way
274.  Job interview today for me...a very part time Speech Therapist job at a nearby nursing home...4-10 hours per week...we'll see if God opens this door or closes it...an adventure to say the least.
275.  Early A.M. energy...where is this coming from?  God, what do you want me to do with this time?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Waking up Early Wednesday

In 2 Corinthians 4:6-9 Paul reminds us: "For God who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.  But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.  We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.  Therefore we do not lose heart.  Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

Today I'm thankful for God's Glimmers of Grace in these ways...
255.  Waking up early
256.  Sleeping soundly with my husband by my side
257.  Being a part of a new ministry (Grace Connectors) at our church has been interesting and has stretched my comfort zone in a good way.  12 men and women meet over 12 weeks 1 on 1 for 1 hour each week...it's been nice to get to know different people of different ages and gender from our church family.
258.  The Holy Spirit
259.  Reuniting with old friends via phone
260.  My mom is flying in today!
261.  My dad is nearing retirement.
262.  Our children are sleeping peacefully in their beds.
263.  Addison's funny comments/rebuttals to having to listen/obey.  His latest..."Dad, I just want to be your normal son."  As we diffused this odd saying...we figured out basically he didn't want to have to do chores just play.
264.  A date at HealthRidge with Daniel yesterday.  It's a peaceful place.

 265.  Bryan is walking and growing into a little boy with spunk and sweetness.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

244.  Callie (our calico cat) purring
245.  Crazy bed hair
246.  Local honey...to sweeten up my hot tea with fresh lemon...mmmm!
247.  Fine point Sharpee markers...love to write notes and graffiti my calendar with those!
248.  Online shopping...so excited about my recent purchases...I have some fun stuff on the way...happy belated Birthday to me...or early anniversary...or frivolous spending?!
249.  Daniel...working the night shift for us/his client...love you!
250.  Babysitters...updating an email for one...thankful we have a list of them!  These girls are great!
251.  The gym...I've been running and exercising again...it feels good to hurt in a good way and tone up again!
252.  Pre dawn...love this time of the day...my time alone with God...and me time!
253.  Wetness...my cat just slobbered on me...ewww...awww...
254.  Organizing/summer cleaning...what to do next?!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Early Monday

Well it's pre-dawn again, and I'm up again.  I'm enjoying the early hours though I must admit.  I have true quiet, me, mom time. :)  Enjoying the stillness, enjoying God's presence and peace...

Yesterday's favorite photos:
236. Like Father, Like Sons

237. My dad (William Bryan) and our Bryan both LOVE any car with a steering wheel to "drive!"

238. Our sprinkler ball from GA was resurrected!  Addison last played with it in our backyard in Senoia at age 2, and now at age 4 in Olathe, KS.  Still fun for him and for me to watch!

239. Crunchy Cheeto face post pool snack...priceless!

240. Bryan also shares an affinity for crunchy carbs like my dad and me!

241. Hot tea with fresh lemon
242. Reflections in a water glass
243. Flower picking with Addison yesterday
His arrangement:
"Mom," Addison said, "The green ones are cool...they look like swords!  And, the green beads are kind like green beans."

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Seven on Sunday

229.  Sleepy dust
230.  Crickets/cicadas/locusts...whatever bug I'm hearing outside...sounds cool
231.  Pretty lamp/desk/pictures that surround my computer area
232.  A busy and fun Saturday
233.  Looking forward to a restful Sunday...however, I'm up again and it's 2:36...why?! 
234.  Ice water...it tastes oh so good sometimes
235.  Playing and eating dinner with our friends last night...glad they came down from MO to visit!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Seven on Saturday

222.  Sibling Rivalry, above photo, Addison said "Mom, can you get Bryan out of here?!!"

223.  Washing machines...this was Bryan's high chair yesterday...yuck!  Washed and ready for more gunk today!

224.  Trees in our backyard (Addison's photography)
225.  Fishing this morning with my boys (we caught 2 blue gill)
226.  Two hour massage for me in less than one hour!!!
227.  Pool time and dinner with friends this evening
228.  Weekends

Friday, August 13, 2010


"Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?" (Galatians 3:3, NIV)

I am foolish.  I try not to be.  I hope that this morning as I wake and begin my day I will see and hear God.  I tend to strive to be that super mom and fabulous wife.  May I rely on him for my strength and direction. AMEN

Okay so here's the next ten Glimmers of Grace:

211. Addison diving off the diving board into 13 feet of water with little hesitation
212. Swimming across the deep end with both of my boys
213.  Sunny summer play time at a new pool yesterday with neighborhood friends
214.  Buckets of water falling from the sky
215.  Showering off and wearing a pretty dress for no specific reason yesterday morning
216.  Giving gifts to friends
217.  Our neighborhood friends
218.  Time to bake muffins
219.  The joy of Addison's face when he got a 4 ft. long licorice whip at the snack bar yesterday...ate the whole thing of course!
220.  Rocking with Bryan before bed...he's getting so big!

221. Ice Cream Cones

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The following photos were taken by Addison.  It's interesting to see the world from a 4 year old's perspective.  He sees things differently.  What is relevant?  What is his perspective?  See below for the Glimmers of God he captured:

From the Eyes of a Child...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I agree totally with my sister in law (also named Jennifer see below):

So, I'm that mom...when playing with the kids I will eventually get to a point when I start picking up and organizing and putting away their toys. I don't mean to...I really intend to play and interact with Josie and Tommy but when their attention diverts from me to something else, I can't help but to start organizing and putting things away. I feel somewhat guilty about this but on the plus side of ALL the toys our kids have there is only one toy that has a piece missing.--that's good, right?

This totally ties in with my post today! (see Wired Wednesday)

Wired Wednesday

Well it's 4:27 a.m.  I'm wide awake and just finished a morning bagel...half with cheese and half with peanut butter...oh, and on a blueberry bagel...weird but OH so GOOD! :)

Today I'm going to blog in a different way.  I read a great devotional this morning on a daily email I receive from Girlfriends in God.  I am going to cut, paste, and revise it to fit the modern mom (me).  :)  Hope it makes sense...
Original Title: Steamed Up in the Kitchen 
My Title: Surviving and Striving
By: Jennifer Cook

Today's Truth "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "You are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed.  Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her" (Luke 10:41, 42 NIV).

Friend To Friend Sharon (the original author) expalins, "Mary and Martha lived in a home with their brother, Lazarus, in the small Judean village of Bethany.  Bethany was two miles east of the temple in Jerusalem, on the east slope of the Mount of Olives - the final station on the road from Jericho to Jerusalem.  The name, Bethany, meant "house of dates and figs," the perfect place to stop for refreshment.  Mary and Martha's home served as a safe haven and quiet retreat for Jesus as he traveled from place to place."

Now for my version...
I am busy in the kitchen making dinner for our family.  "Addison, check on your brother" I call among the clattering of the pots and pans.  "And where is he?  Your dad will be home in fifteen minutes.  There's just so much to do!"

"I'll make a bowl of fresh food for the cat," Addison says.  "That will give him something to nibble on while we get dinner ready."

As Addison enters the room, I see a glimmer of grace.  Jesus talks through my sons.  By taking care of the cat Addison was hinting at the importance of loving those around you...even the cat.  However, I am annoyed because I asked him to find his brother not the cat food!

"Do not judge and you will not be judged," Jesus taught.  "Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned.  Forgive and you will be forgiven.  Give and it will be given to you."

"The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden," Jesus said.  "It grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air perched in its branches."
Jesus noticed Addison standing in the kitchen.  Looking directly at me through his little four year old eyes, he continued, "The kingdom of God is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough."

Jesus continues teaching about who he was, and what he came to do.  Mesmerized by the Rabbi's words, Addison sinks into his bed at night on occasion eager to read his kid Bible or the kid Bible Dictionary (because it has swords and stuff).  Jesus lowers his eyes and speaks directly to children (I think) - his newest students. 

I wait for Jesus to send Addison back into the kitchen with Bryan where he belongs, but He didn't.  I am confused when Jesus welcomes me into the classroom, but try my best not to become distracted by his presence.  Five minutes pass when I huff, "Where is that boy?"  I angrily stomp into the family room with mixing bowl in hand. 

"Lord," I pray "can't you see that I am all alone in the kitchen?  What is Addison doing?  Don't you care that I have to do all this work by myself.  Where is my husband?  Where are my children?"

"Jennifer, Jennifer" Jesus replies, "don't get so worked up.  Your kids and husband are right where they need to be.  You are so worried, bothered, and distracted with the details of living that you miss the joys of life.  You don't need to work so hard to make a feast for us.  That's not even important.  What is important is that I am here and I have something to share with you.  Addison has figured that out.  He often chooses what is important and I am not going to send him away.  He has joined my classroom to learn - to become a disciple of God's Word - and I am not going to take that away from him."

Today's devotion modified from Sharon Jaynes.  Apparently she has a new book, What God Really Thinks about Women: Finding Your Significance through the Women Jesus Encountered. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tiring Tuesday

Tonight I'm tired, but it was a good day. :)
191. Tired voices...Addison is whining in the kitchen about finishing his dinner...it is a joy to hear his voice because he's so talkative, argumentative, and persuasive...perhaps a future lawyer! :)
192.  Daniel is washing our dishes
193. Bryan is asleep and quiet in bed
194. Tom, a friend from church, will be here soon for a visit
195. Tears from Addison...now he doesn't have dessert...meltdown...I have to admit it's tough to be a parent some times...those natural consequences are rough but necessary
196. Earlier today we enjoyed some cool water at our pool
197. Branches...I see tree branches out our front window...something about them is so beautiful
198. Talking with my mom and dad today...I'm thankful for their loving presence and that we can chat often
199.   Callie, our cat, is sitting sweetly in my lap
200.  "I do not like you! Go away daddy! I want to eat by myself with no one by me."  Addison says.  Daniel says, "Okay and walks away."  Quiet.  Hooray!   Maybe he'll actually finish his dinner?!

Monday, August 9, 2010