Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I agree totally with my sister in law (also named Jennifer see below):

So, I'm that mom...when playing with the kids I will eventually get to a point when I start picking up and organizing and putting away their toys. I don't mean to...I really intend to play and interact with Josie and Tommy but when their attention diverts from me to something else, I can't help but to start organizing and putting things away. I feel somewhat guilty about this but on the plus side of ALL the toys our kids have there is only one toy that has a piece missing.--that's good, right?

This totally ties in with my post today! (see Wired Wednesday)

1 comment:

  1. It is difficult for us to just sit and play without worrying about what work lies ahead! Grace asked me this summer to not work so much. She said I needed to take more breaks to play with them. Ouch! I did, and I was blessed! Enjoy your day!
