Friday, November 23, 2012

H is for Humble

H is for Humble.

Part two of T.H.A.N.K.S.

I woke up early this morning again.  I decided to snuggle on the couch with a cup of tea, a warm blanket, and one of the three books I'm reading..."7, an experimental mutiny against excess" by Jen Hatmaker.  I plowed through a few chapters, and I come out feeling humble.

I live a world of excess.  My closet overflows with clothing, shoes, and my dresser is also full.  I still buy more almost weekly.  We talked yesterday of new televisions, new cars, and this morning many are out shopping for more stuff.  It is "Black Friday."  I used to love waking early with my mom and sister to go out shopping for deals and Christmas items/gifts/decor.  This year we decided to skip it.  Mom has to work.  Jackie and I are tired and our finances are low presently.  However, low is relative.  Many homeless people, struggling families, or people in other countries would look at our bank accounts and possessions and see extreme wealth.

Jen Hatmaker's book "7" has encouraged me to humble myself a little more.  Focus on the true riches of Christ this holiday season, and continue to give a little more and cut back on the stuff that crowds out my time, money, and attention to the true King.  Today, I started a Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter fast.  I will still do emails, my blog, watch TV, and use my cell phone.  However, I hope the free time I spent hours on these other sites will allow for some humbleness to creep in.  I get sucked into the lives of others, wishes/dreams on Pinterest for projects to do/things to buy.  Twitter often gives me useless news/links to blips in our fake/real world?!  Okay, so I'm off the soap box, and on to the day.  I hope to clean out some time and make room to clean house, play, write real letters, craft, cook, etc.

I hope each of you feels humble in some way today.  We often have BIG egos, and it is easy to lose sight of others' needs.  I'm totally guilty.  I get impatient with others who want stuff that I see as trivial. 

Dear Mom, sorry for ruining the picture taking moment yesterday.  I know you like family photos, and they are TRULY special.  A little time out of our day for you is the least we can do after all the YEARS of time you spent humbly serving us.  We love you!  And, thank you Daniel, dad, and Jackie for remaining calm and smiling under the pressure.  We all have our moments!

This is the picture that won't be on a Christmas card, but it shows the mood of the moment.  Bryan didn't want to be in the picture, thus I had to appear in the picture.  We added Jackie for balance...both moms/daughters should be in.  Daniel, told us to look "serious...tough"...Addison complied nicely.  Jackson pondered this.  Bryan hid.  We adults, smiled.  We do our best.  Thank God for family!  We love unconditionally thanks to the lessons of our Father.

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