Friday, October 26, 2012

Giving at Any Age

I wrote the above article for the Seminole Magazine.  I found it important to encourage others (and myself) to give this day and always.  It is my hope, that our children will learn to give also.  We live in a greedy world.  It is much easier to focus on self than sacrifice.  However, God teaches that "a plain and simple life is a full life." Proverbs 13:7 (the Message)

If we simplify our belongings to give to others we find true joy.  Some of my favorite belongings were gifts to me from someone else or handed down from one family member to another.  Furniture, jewelry, photographs, and Bibles are some of my most special "treasures."  What do you treasure?  Where does your heart lie?  Our true riches are in Christ.  Heaven awaits those who Believe in Him.  We will join Him and His company of Angels.  I believe that many of the family members and friends that I have known, and who know Him, are preparing a place for me and my family that is still here on Earth.  We live in a bright world with many things.  Let us be thankful for the "things" and give some away!

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