Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday Glimmers in Nature...

Today we skipped church again...we've been so busy with other things.  Maybe we'll go tonight?  However, we do not fail to be thankful for our blessings or that the Lord is directing our daily path.  Last Sunday we had a family photo shoot, and my birthday celebration. 

Today I went on a trail run for the first time at the nearby Wekiwa Springs State Park...3 miles of roots, sand, bushes, and a doe crossed the path!  It was super fun.  Then I went home for a quick shower and to pick up the family for a picnic with the Central Florida Runners.  It was a great day for it.  We enjoyed the cool water, good food, and new friends.  Addison's rare find of the day was a large Hickory Horned Devil Catepillar that fell from a tree right in front of him.  It was super cool...a God creation of great attention for all to photograph and admire!  The park rangers took it to their boss to show him!  Daniel found out the name and some pictures of it here:

Now, we are pool side in warmer water and enjoying some family time.  It is great to be together, in the sun, and shade of our backyard.  We love Florida living and each other so much!  Below are some of my favorite photos from last weekend.  Rochelle Stone took our photographs, and she was great!

 Love is a great beautifier.

-Louisa May Alcott

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